If you want to sell coins, banknotes and other collectibles, we are at your disposal to make you our best offer.
We buy collections or single pieces of coins, banknotes, stamps, military awards, medals, old postcards, old letters, manuscripts, antiquities and other collectible items.
Below are answers to your possible questions about selling your coins or other collectibles.
1 Our physical and on-site analysis of your items at our facilities is always of "0" cost, i.e., there is no charge, regardless of how long it takes. (There may be costs if your items are of a size that cannot be transported and require us to travel. However, these costs will be announced before our displacement and we will only proceed with your approval)
2 To open the scheduling process for analysis of your collectibles, we advise you to fill out this short form and send us some photos. You can send multiple images and documents up to 2GB at a time.
How to sell
Give a short summary of your collectible assets explaining:
- what kind of items you included,
- is it a set of items or a collection? If so, what is its dimension?
In order to quantify, use the following examples:
- a shoebox, full or half full, of coins.
- in case your collection is filed in binders or binders, you should indicate the number of binders and size (A4 or A5), how many sheets in each.
- summarizing the size of your collection, quantify how many suitcases you fill, for example trolleys or airplane cabin cases.
Also explain to us the antiquity of your assets:
- how many generations it has been in the family
- which are the oldest items you identify and which are the most recent
To complement the information, please send images that help us understand the context of your assets.
If possible flag older items or those that you identify as being of greater value. Always give preference to the side of the item where the date appears.
You can photograph several items in a single image, but we ask that you send us photos with the best possible clarity and good focus. You can take them with a camera or cell phone.
If you have access to a scanner or multifunction printer with a scanner, you can scan them. You can place multiple items on the scanner’s glass or place the binders on it.
Upload your images and files here:
You can upload up to 5 images, up to a maximum of 2GB combined. The supported formats are images (jpg, jpeg, png), Word (doc, docx), PDF and Excel (xls, xlsx).
3 Once agreed upon, we proceed to the final analysis of your collection or isolated pieces, which will always be done in your in person presence. We never accept consignment items or by mail unless previously agreed with us.
4 To make an appointment contact us by phone (+351) 938406867, with appointments requested by e-mail not being valid since there is always information and doubts that must be clarified. (we inform you that it is impossible for us to visualize and answer to the hundreds of emails and messages from social networks that we receive with lists, images, and other information about articles that are intend to be sold, we always give priority to those who do it the way we advise here).
5 We can only assign a value to your collection or inventory after we review your collectibles in person at our facilities.
6 We only do a single analysis and possible evaluation per person, when you schedule your visit to our facility you should bring on that day all items or collections you have to show us, that is, even if you have repeated and surplus items you should also show them on that day. (We do not do more than one analysis of collectibles per person)
7 Our proposal will be made for your entire collection if it is of your interest. If what you want is to sell your collection or inherited acquis, our advice is to sell everything at once, since if you give the opportunity to choose what is of interest, you might not be able to sell the items with lesser value as they have less of a demand.
8 There is never any kind of purchase or sale obligation between both parties, there will only be a deal if both parties are in agreement, and if it takes place on the day you come to our store, and only if you are the sole owner of the goods presented, we do not make offers on third party goods.
9 We always advise to those who are far away from our PORTUGAL MOEDAS service facilities, to take advantage of a possible passage by Águeda to consult us. Never forget that it has to be always by previous appointment that should be made to the phone number (+351) 938406867.
Location of our office and the place where we evaluate your items:
(Attention: the service is only done by appointment in advance)The office is in the Castilho Building, where the Águeda Post Office and the Águeda Labor Court are headquartered.
This building is faced by “Rua José de Sucena” and “Rua do Outeiro”, and the entrance to the building is through Rua do Outeiro next to the Labor Court.
Fração BP
Edifício dos CTT Águeda
Rua José Sucena
3750-127 Águeda
40°34'23.7"N 8°26'42.7"W
40.573256, -8.445192
View of the building where we have our service office
Contacts :
Email: vender@portugalmoedas.com.pt (appointments made by email are not accepted)
Tlm. (+351) 938406867 (Preferential)
Hours of Operation:
(Attention: the service is only done by appointment in advance.)
We will be waiting for your possible contact.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our best regards.
Luis Vieira